Signposts: Unhappy Anniversaries

If you have experienced an abortion, there may be anniversaries in your life that you don’t want to celebrate. You may not be consciously thinking of the anniversary date, but it seems to have a hold on you anyway. Have you noticed feeling depressed around the same time each year?…

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Signposts: Inner Anguish

Even with the physical pain of abortion in the past, does it seem to you that the memories are more painful than the actual experience? Do you wonder if that will ever go away? If you have experienced an abortion, whether recently or long ago, it can still hurt. An…

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Abortion Reminders

            “Abortions will not let you forget. You remember the children you got that you did not get,” * I encountered Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem “the mother” recently on Poetry Foundation’s website. Isn’t it true that abortion reminders are always lurking, appearing in the moments when…

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“Hope in my Darkness”

            Taking that first step into getting help after experiencing an abortion can be very daunting. But, for those who do, it can make the difference between darkness and finding hope. A previous Restore client explains her life of post abortion darkness before Restore and…

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Abortion Discussions

            Women who contact Restore often ask, “I feel so uncomfortable when the topic of abortion is discussed. What can I do?” You’re at a party with friends and the subject of abortion comes up. At the dinner table with family someone mentions a story…

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Un-happy Holidays

            Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and other yearly celebrations are meant to be happy occasions to look forward to. We mark them on our calendars and get excited as the dates come closer. However, for those with past abortions, holidays and celebrations might be a struggle.…

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