If My Circumstances Were Then What They Are Now, I Wouldn’t Have Had the Abortion
I’ve Had Multiple Abortions and Each One Has Made Me Feel Worse

Does the title of this blog describe what you’re thinking and feeling today? Whether your most recent abortion happened yesterday or decades ago, chances are, you’ve reached a point of exhaustion. You probably never expected that each of your abortion experiences would be harder to cope with than the last. …
Prioritizing Self-Care While Healing Emotionally from an Abortion
I Don’t Feel Like Connecting with my Partner Post-Abortion.

Are you feeling disconnected from your partner after a difficult abortion experience? Maybe this isn’t a challenge that either of you anticipated. The possibility of post-abortion stress doesn’t always come up in conversations during a woman’s pregnancy decision-making process. But, sadly, this is a common experience. Relationship tension can naturally…
Feeling Guilty After an Abortion. Will It Ever Stop?

Are you wrestling with feelings of guilt days, months, or years after having an abortion? The truth is, a lot of people find themselves in a similar place. Guilt may manifest itself as a vague, beneath-the-surface sense of remorse, a dominant feeling that affects day-to-day life, or something in-between. Perhaps…
I Chose Abortion Because My Partner Wasn’t the Father. Now, I’m Second-Guessing that Decision.

Maybe your past pregnancy experience began when you had a sexual encounter with someone other than your partner. Chances are, your circumstances started to feel especially complex the moment you received a positive pregnancy test result. Abortion may have seemed like your best and most logical option at the time. …
Abortion Seemed Like the Smartest Choice. So, Why Do I Feel Bad About It?
Heading Off to College After a Challenging Abortion Experience
Second-Guessing My Decision to Choose Career Over Parenting

It’s very common for women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy to choose abortion based on concerns that pregnancy or parenting would negatively impact their career. That’s not surprising, because a person’s chosen profession matters a lot! The vast majority of us rely on our jobs to get our basic needs met. …