Having Trouble Connecting with Family and Friends Post-Abortion

Spring has officially arrived, bringing milder temperatures and more hours of daylight.  By and large, this probably comes as a relief!  But have you ever noticed how springtime tends to trigger a change in the social climate as well as the weather?  When conditions become warmer and sunnier, most people naturally feel more inclined to get out and about.  Organized gatherings and activities undergo a reboot as the cold, gray months of late-winter finally come to an end.

What if, this spring, you’re wrestling with painful emotions surrounding a past abortion?  You may not be in the mood to socialize if this is your situation.  It could be that you’re experiencing feelings of detachment from loved ones, interpersonal problems, or urges to self-isolate, causing you to feel really out of sync with your family and friends.  The abortion doesn’t have to have happened recently for you to be facing such challenges.  Maybe you’ve struggled to connect with people for years.  Maybe you thought you’d overcome this difficulty, but somehow, it’s been re-triggered.

Many people don’t realize the impact that a hard abortion experience can have on relationships until they’ve had to navigate this for themselves.  If you’re dealing with more interpersonal conflict and finding yourself withdrawing from others after terminating, these may by symptoms of post-abortion stress.  Perhaps you’ve found yourself wrestling with painful emotions like sorrow or guilt, which aren’t making it any easier to connect with others.  Everyone responds to abortion in a unique way.  But if your own journey has been harder than expected, know that this is normal.  You’re not alone.  There’s light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s possible to begin your journey towards healing today.

Consider reaching out to Restore After Abortion.  We’re a free program that’s dedicated to helping women and men recover emotionally after a complicated abortion experience.  When you decide to participate in Restore, we’ll pair you with a support group or highly-trained leader to meet with one-on-one (your choice).  Our purpose is to provide the genuine support that you need to figure out your next steps while discovering true inward healing. 

Learn more about Restore and contact us today!  We’ve been a trusted service provider in Chicagoland for over 20 years!