What is “Group Support” ?

Restore’s groups are probably much different than other groups you have been in. The difference starts with how we form our groups. They’re not openly advertised. Instead, individuals meet privately with our coordinator, determining what setting would work best for you. Participants have options – even the option to request…

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Why You Should Let Yourself Grieve

When we think of the word “grief,” we might also think of words such as sadness, mourning, or unhappiness. Part of our human nature is to grieve when we lose something or someone that is important or meaningful. So why do so many avoid grieving? Some feel that grief is…

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The Weight of Abortion

“It just feels like he gets to go on with his life and be happy.” Some women feel like the weight of their abortion solely rests on them. Their partners and families seem minimally affected, if even at all. It feels isolating, as if the burden of guilt and shame…

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Abortion: Wounded but Healed

Participants in post-abortion healing groups are sometimes asked to describe the wound sustained from their abortions. Word pictures are often used. “A teacup that’s been smashed into little pieces” “Barbed wire wrapped around my heart” “A chain that lets me go a short distance but always drags me back” “A…

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Restore Groups

Joining a Restore small group can be a wonderful way to feel supported as one learns to work through the emotions and effects of a previous abortion. Recently, three women shared their experiences of how being in a Restore small group has made a lasting impact in their lives. “Before…

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A Story of Post Abortion Healing

Post abortion stress from an abortion can make it difficult for a woman to get through each day and to believe there is hope for tomorrow. Although she may want to escape the burden of the feelings she is experiencing, she may feel healing is nearly impossible. For years, Restore…

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‘Tis the season … for feeling miserable. Let’s be honest. The holidays are hard for a number of reasons. Extra parties, extra spending, extra eating, extra stress, extra expectations. The list can go on and on. If you have had an abortion in the last few months, the busyness may be…

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