Dear Diary: Christmas Shopping

In December, it is common to see storefronts and houses decorated with Christmas lights and decorations. In the stores, you may hear Christmas carols and songs like, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” For many, Christmas activities and seeing Santa in the stores can remind people of fond…
Dear Diary: Final Exams
Dear Diary: Thanksgiving Was Not Happy at All
Dear Diary: The One-Year Anniversary
Overcoming the Challenge and Moving Forward in Life
After Abortion: Have You Longed to Return to Your ‘Old Self’?
Dear Diary: The Heartbreak and Deep Sadness is Becoming Unbearable
Post Abortion: Making Sense out of the Emotions

Since the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in the case of Roe v Wade during 1973, millions of American women have experienced one or multiple abortions. According to the Guttmacher Institute, approximately 1 in 4 American women will experience an abortion by the age of 45.* What do women typically experience…