A Client Story

Many women come to Restore because they feel alone and are unable to process through all of the difficult emotions following an abortion.  Here is one woman’s experience of how she found the support she needed. Anonymous, Age 26: In her own words, she explains how she felt before coming…

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Signposts: Sense of Loss

Something’s missing in your life. That feeling comes upon many people once in a while. If you have experienced an abortion, it’s possible you’ve felt this in a way that’s more than just incidental. You can’t really explain it. It catches you at unexpected times. There’s a vague sort of…

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Signposts: Proving It

Working hard. Striving for good grades. Pursuing success in your work or career. Pouring your all into a relationship. Doing and being the best you can. Most of us desire to achieve, and to put our best energies toward these important things in our life. As good as it can…

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Signposts: Self-Punishing Behaviors

When we feel bad about something we’ve done or experienced, we sometimes respond in ways that not only are not helpful, but may actually be harmful to ourselves. And sometimes this happens without our even being aware of it. If there is abortion in your past, pain, regret, and self-incrimination…

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