Signposts: Self-Punishing Behaviors

When we feel bad about something we’ve done or experienced, we sometimes respond in ways that not only are not helpful, but may actually be harmful to ourselves. And sometimes this happens without our even being aware of it. If there is abortion in your past, pain, regret, and self-incrimination…

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Signposts: Physical Tension

Physical responses of our body – for example, tightened stomach muscles, a clenched jaw, suddenly realizing you’re holding your breath – these can be indications that something inside is trying to get our attention. Does this sound at all familiar to you? Physical indicators may be a sign of an…

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Signposts Show Where Healing is Needed

Have you wondered if you really need healing after your abortion? Many women aren’t sure if they need the kind of help Restore offers. The silence around abortion leaves women in the dark about what others have experienced. But at Restore, over the years, we have heard many women describe…

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Signposts: Unhappy Anniversaries

If you have experienced an abortion, there may be anniversaries in your life that you don’t want to celebrate. You may not be consciously thinking of the anniversary date, but it seems to have a hold on you anyway. Have you noticed feeling depressed around the same time each year?…

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Signposts: Inner Anguish

Even with the physical pain of abortion in the past, does it seem to you that the memories are more painful than the actual experience? Do you wonder if that will ever go away? If you have experienced an abortion, whether recently or long ago, it can still hurt. An…

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