Women Can Experience a Wide Range of Emotions Following an Abortion
Relationship Challenges Following an Abortion

Relationships can be challenging leading up to and, also, following an abortion. What can happen when one partner decided on abortion while the other one was either undecided or wanted to parent? What if both chose abortion but, later on, had regrets afterwards? Well, abortion can create many issues within…
Life-Changing Stories in Restore Groups

Every day at Restore, we see women seeking healing from their abortion experiences. They come to us feeling emotionally wounded and broken. Oftentimes, they are stuck in feelings of anger, sadness, grief, depression, and regret. Usually, they do not see much hope in their situations. That is, until they begin…
Medical Abortion: Your Expectations Versus the Reality of the Experience
Post Abortion Stress Syndrome: Is It Real – For You?

In 2010, Psychology Today published an article called “Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) – Does It Exist?” The author, Dr. Susanne Babbel, states “Any event that causes trauma can indeed result in PTSD, and abortion is no exception.”* Restore helps those for whom the lingering effects of abortion continue to…
Are You Struggling with Post Abortion Depression?

Merriam-Webster.com defines depression as a state marked by: “sadness inactivity difficulty in thinking and concentration a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping feelings of dejection and hopelessness and sometimes suicidal tendencies”* After an abortion, it is not uncommon for women to suffer from post abortion depression.…
Are You Experiencing Anger after Abortion?
Abortion Care

An abortion is a significant medical procedure. Following an abortion, it is important to have proper abortion care and be aware of any physical symptoms that may occur. Anticipated Side Effects* : Sometimes physical symptoms following abortion can leave you unsure of what is normal and what may be a…
Guilt after Abortion

Abortion is a physical procedure, and its recovery includes physical aspects. However, there also may be other post-abortion effects you might not necessarily anticipate: emotional, relational — even spiritual. Guilt after abortion troubles many women. It may not have been expected, but it can have a huge impact on your…