Hope for the New Year

“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops at all.”

~Emily Dickinson

The fresh start a new year can bring should be refreshing—a balm to our weary bodies and souls. But maybe the start of this new year is anything but that for you. Perhaps you find yourself dreading each day, each passing week, or month. Maybe this dread seems to linger no matter what happy circumstances find you throughout your life. Or maybe what you’re feeling is desperate grief or anxiety from something that happened this past year or even further in the past.

Feeling stuck at the turn of a new year can be disheartening. That’s why we want you to know you are not alone. If you find yourself yearning for hope in this new year, we want to help you achieve that! Maybe you’re feeling this way due to a past abortion, whether it happened recently or some time ago. At this point, maybe you’re used to how you feel, even as it gets worse. But, there is hope! As this new year progresses, take charge of your path and grab onto hope that things will get so much better.

If hope after an abortion sounds like something you’d like this new year, don’t hesitate to take a courageous step forward. Restore After Abortion is a program designed with your needs and schedule in mind to help you find restoration and hope. We believe nobody should have to suffer through feeling hopeless after an abortion. We’re here for you. Reach out to Restore After Abortion at 630-599-0043 (text or call).


Goodreads. Emily Dickinson Quotes. Retrieved from: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/7440.Emily_Dickinson