Does Abortion Empower Women?

The media would suggest that many Americans believe this to be true- at least, under some circumstances.  Maybe you’ve seen this message on the pages of social media, or heard it declared from political platforms.  But if you’ve ended a pregnancy yourself, or if you’re close to someone who has, your felt experience may be different.  Post-abortion stress looks unique for each person who’s faced it.  For some individuals, it involves lingering emotional pain, relational challenges, or difficulty with day-to-day functioning.  “Empowering” may not be an accurate description for everyone.

Abortion affects people in a lot of different ways, and it’s caring to recognize that.  The decision to end a pregnancy is deeply personal.  For that reason, talking about what you’ve been through in a safe and non-judgmental environment may be helpful- especially if you’ve struggled with post-abortion stress.  Restore After Abortion offers an opportunity to process the past and heal, either in a support group setting or one-on-one.  If you’ve struggled to cope with an abortion experience, you’re definitely not alone.

Reach out to Restore and learn more about our free and completely confidential services!  Hope and healing is possible.