“I Was Once You” Series: Kathleen’s Story

This week, we hear from Kathleen about her story of finding herself pregnant during college and deciding on abortion to solve the “problem” in her life. After struggling with emotional turmoil for decades, Kathleen was finally able to experience emotional healing while going through a Restore support group.

“My boyfriend and I were both in college when I got pregnant. He wanted to keep the baby, but I didn’t, so I made the choice to have an abortion. In my mind, it was the only way to make the problem go away and have no long term consequences (or so I thought at the time).

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, and years turned literally into decades where I was never able to forget what I had done, nor did the pain from guilt and shame ever go away. Finally, I had gotten to the point where I was so sick of feeling the pain and not being able to get past what I had done that I called Restore.

At Restore, I truly felt accepted and loved by the nonjudgmental women who came alongside me in my healing journey. I realized that although I will always remember what I did, I am no longer weighed down by the deep pain of guilt and shame I carried around for so many years nor does my choice define who I am today. I have been set FREE! I know that I am loved and have experienced forgiveness for my abortion.

Isn’t it interesting how people and the media are all talking about the right to abortion but rarely do you ever hear from women who say they have had one or more abortions? Women either suffer in silence or try to bury their pain. Or, don’t realize the effects the abortion is really having on them. They may not even know about places to go to talk about what they experienced or how to be healed from it and move on. Restore is such a place.” — Kathleen, 56

If you would like to see this kind of change in your life, please contact us.

Restore After Abortion serves DuPage County, Illinois, and surrounding communities. If you are seeking healing in your life from a previous abortion, please call 630-599-0043 today for a free, confidential consultation. We are here to help you find the compassionate post abortion support you are looking for.