“I Was Once You” Series : Jeanne’s Story

shameAfter an abortion, women can carry guilt and shame around with them for many years before trying to process through these emotions or seek help. This week, Jeanne shares how she carried guilt and shame around for 25 years before finding the Restore Program. In just 10 weeks, she was able to process through the emotions surrounding her abortion and come to a place of forgiveness and restoration in her life.

“It had been 25 years walking around with shame and guilt after my abortion “procedure.”  Finally,  it was revealed to me that I destroyed my baby.  It was no longer a procedure I had.  It was no longer an abortion.  It was the truth, I destroyed my baby.  I was surprised at the grief I felt.

I was led to Restore and went through the program there.  At the time, I had no idea there was even such a recovery program to go through.  Then, I almost began crying when I was told it was free.  It seemed too good to be true. About 6-7 weeks into the program,  I realized hope was building up in me that I could be forgiven.  Around the 9th or 10th week, I felt like I finally was forgiven and I could forgive myself. This was the greatest gift given to me.

I have hope for the women and men who go through these abortion  recovery programs at Restore. I hope that they are restored and given the greatest gift of forgiveness. I know I was once you and now I am restored, healed, and forgiven.”    – Jeanne, 63

Don’t let decades go by without getting the emotional help you need from a previous abortion. Contact Restore today at 630-599-0043. Our compassionate and nonjudgmental staff and team members are looking forward to helping you process through your emotions and come to a place of healing.