Saying Goodbye to Relationships after an Abortion


You thought this would never happen. He promised he would never leave you. He even sealed the deal with a promise ring.

But then, he said, “I can’t go on like this. Our relationship is over.”

You never saw it coming. But it happened. The relationship is over.

So many emotions and thoughts come flooding through your mind. It was HIM who wanted the abortion. He said this was the only decision in order to save the relationship. But, it was a lie. If it was up to you, you thought about keeping it. But, you felt it was worth it in the end to have the abortion and “save the relationship.” Or, so you thought.

Unfortunately, you are not alone in experiencing relationship issues after having had an abortion. According to a study on 217 American women, 26.7% experienced relationship problems while 19.8% experienced an end to their relationships following an abortion (Rue, et al, 2004).

The emotional turmoil compounded by a failing or failed relationship can cause you to feel like you’ve hit rock bottom.  Anger and bitterness can take over making it difficult to move on in your life.

If your relationship is going through a difficult time or it has ended, forgiving your partner is an important step towards healing. If you don’t forgive, bitterness can take root and ultimately ruin relationships with those who are close to you.

Contact Restore today if you need help in dealing with these emotions. It’s okay to admit you feel anger and resentment toward those involved in your abortion decision. We are here to help.

For over 15 years, Restore has been providing a safe, nonjudgmental, and compassionate environment where teenagers and adults can process through their emotions and find the healing they deserve.  We offer both individual and group support.  All of our services are free and strictly confidential.  If you would like to schedule an Introductory Appointment to learn more about how we can help you, please call/text us at 630-599-0043 or use our online scheduler.


Rue, V.M., P.K. Coleman, J.J. Rue, & D.C. Reardon. (2004). Induced Abortion and Traumatic Stress: A Preliminary Comparison of American and Russian Women. Medical Science Monitor. 10 (10): SR5-16. Retrieved from: