Struggling with Unemployment and Post-Abortion Stress

Anyone who’s ever struggled with unemployment knows firsthand how draining it can be. Job loss (especially long-term unemployment) almost always goes hand-in-hand with financial stress and emotional hurt. It can shake the foundations of a person’s confidence, deplete her mental resources, and possibly even wound her relationships. This is painful…
I Feel Like My Partner Resents Me for Ending the Pregnancy
“Second-Guessing an Abortion I Had as a Teen”
“I Feel too Embarrassed to Get Post-Abortion Help”

Do you feel self-conscious about an abortion in your past? For some individuals, going through this experience can elicit a sense of shame or embarrassment. Sometimes this feeling fades over time, but sometimes it lingers or gets re-triggered years later. Can you relate? If you’re embarrassed about a past abortion,…
“I Need Post-Abortion Support. But Can I Afford It?”
Feeling Alone at College After an Abortion
Life After Abortion Isn’t What I Expected

We all have expectations for the future, especially when we pass through significant crossroads in life. Maybe you discovered an unexpected pregnancy sometime in the past and decided to have an abortion. Individuals who’ve faced challenges like yours often expect to feel relieved once they’re no longer pregnant. Perhaps you…
I Can’t Seem to Forgive Myself for Having an Abortion

Some people wrestle with feelings of guilt and shame after having an abortion. They’re not always cautioned about emotional risks before the procedure, but it’s true that some individuals experience regret. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you’ve tried to accept this part of your past and move on, but you…
Wrestling with my Faith After an Abortion

A difficult abortion experience can impact a person in many different ways – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually… the list goes on. Sadly, most of us don’t realize how deep and far-reaching these effects can be until we’re facing these circumstances for ourselves. Are you a person of faith who feels…