Are Holidays a Trigger for Post Abortion Stress?

As December progresses, it can be hard not to feel stressed about all the routine things you need to get done, holiday planning, and COVID-19 restrictions out there. But, just when you thought you couldn’t deal with one more thing, your mind starts reflecting over the previous years and that abortion you never really dealt with.  Yes, that one. Now, you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed with anger, grief, and feelings of hopelessness. Sound familiar? You are not alone.

Holidays are common triggers when you are struggling with something in your past you have kept secret. A lot of times, it is because your mind gets trapped in a repetitive cycle of playing over the “what-ifs” and “if only’s” to the point of toxicity.  When you are stuck in the past, it can be hard to focus on the present, much less, be excited about the future. But, what can be done to get your mind off of the past and back into the present?

Being able to talk through your abortion experience with someone in a confidential, compassionate, and nonjudgmental setting can make all the difference in helping you process through your emotions and get to a place of healing you never knew existed.

Find Help!

Restore After Abortion offers a restorative post abortion support program tailored to meet your needs. We have both virtual 1:1’s and small group formats available to match your schedule. All of our services are offered at no charge. Don’t wait. Get plugged into the support you desire. Please call or text us at 630-599-0043 or schedule directly online at  today.